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Laser Micro/Nano Fabrication Lab.


Biomedical application of lasers

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목록으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, 등록일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
번호 제목 작성자 조회수 Date Files
28 [Medical Lasers] Advanced light microscopy enables rapid mapping of brain structure and function in high resolution LMNF 27 2016-12-19 파일명 : Advanced light microscopy enables rapid mapping of brain structure and function in high resolution.pdf
27 [Medical Lasers] Medical Lasers Cut and Heal LMNF 27 2016-12-16 파일명 : photonics spectra 201612.pdf
26 [Medical Lasers] New study evaluates endovenous laser ablation of varicose veins LMNF 29 2016-06-01  
25 [Medical Lasers] '선택과 집중' 레이저 치료기기 쏟아진다 LMNF 44 2016-05-26  
24 [Medical Lasers] Raman Spectroscopy/Camera Technology : Melanoma detection with SWIR Raman spectroscopy LMNF 39 2016-05-19 파일명 : Raman Spectroscopy, Camera Technology Melanoma detection with SWIR Raman spectroscopy.pdf
23 [Medical Lasers] MEDICAL AND AESTHETIC LASERS: Semiconductor diode laser advances enable medical applications LMNF 37 2014-09-22  
22 [Medical Lasers] Ablative fractional laser pretreatment in dermatology boosts topical drug uptake LMNF 30 2014-09-22  
21 [Medical Lasers] Laser heating of biological microstructures shows potential for neuroscience applications LMNF 35 2014-08-11  
20 [Medical Lasers] Femtosecond lasers used to administer drugs LMNF 33 2014-07-09  
19 [Medical Lasers] Laser treatment shows promise for skin cancer LMNF 30 2014-06-27  
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