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New Drug Target Laboratory


Journal club

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번호 제목 작성자 조회수 Date Files
42 (190208_seongmin) adipogenic differentiation by small molecule 전체관리자 115 2019-04-09 파일명 : adipogenic-differentiation-by-small-molecule.pdf
41 (190201_Yukyung) Critical role for arginase II in osteoarthritis pathogenesis 전체관리자 13 2019-04-09 파일명 : Critical-role-for-arginase-II-in-osteoarthritis-pathogenesis.pdf
40 (190125_Seonwook) Alpha-enolase regulates the malignant phenotype of pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells via the AMPK-Akt pathway 전체관리자 10 2019-04-09 파일명 : 2018-Alpha-enolase-regulates-.pdf
39 (181228_JiHyung) STAT3 promotes IFNγ TNFα-induced muscle wasting in an NF-κB-dependent and IL-6-independent manner. 전체관리자 13 2019-04-09 파일명 : 1.STAT3-promotes-IFNγ-TNFα-induced-muscle-wasting-in-an-NF-κB-dependent-and-IL-6-independent-manner..pdf
38 (181221_JungIn) Dietary Protein Restriction Reprograms Tumor-Associated Macrophages and Enhances Immunotherapy 전체관리자 7 2019-04-09 파일명 : Dietary-Protein-Restriction-Reprograms-Tumor-Associated-Macrophages-and-Enhances-Immunotherapy.pdf
37 (181122_Haaglim) IL-23 secreted by myeloid cells drives castration-resistant prostate cancer 전체관리자 11 2019-04-09 파일명 : 저널-클럽.pdf
36 (181109_junhyeong) Paclitaxel Reduces Tumor Growth by Reprogramming Tumor-Associated Macrophages to an M1 Profile in a TLR4-Dependent Manner. 전체관리자 18 2018-11-08 파일명 : Paclitaxel-Reduces-Tumor-Growth-by.pdf
35 (181102_SunDa) journal club. novel mechanism of macrophage-mediated metastasis revealed in azebrafish model of tumor development 전체관리자 15 2018-11-02 파일명 : Novel-Mechanism-of-Macrophage-Mediated-metastasis-revealed-in-a-zebrafish-model-of-tumor-development.pdf
34 (181005_HyunJun) Group 1 Paks support muscle regeneration and counteract cancer-associated muscle atrophy 전체관리자 14 2018-10-04 파일명 : JCSM-9-727.pdf
33 (180928_Seongmin) Inhibition of TGFb Signaling Increases Direct Conversion of Fibroblasts to Induced Cardiomyocytes 전체관리자 12 2018-09-28 파일명 : Inhibition-of-TGFb-Signaling-Increases-Direct-Conversion.pdf
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