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Jun. 27, 2016: Seung Eui joined for his internship research. Welcome, SE!
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Mar. 2, 2016: Young Cheol (PhD program) , Minhyuk (Ms-PhD program), and Hyeonju (Ms program) start their Grad school in Hohjai’s group. Welcome you all !
Photonic Quantum Chemistry Lab. |
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Feb. 25, 2016: Minhyuk, Yoobin, and Jinhyun received their Bs. diplomas and Young Cheol received his Ms. diploma in GIST Commencement 2016.
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Jan. 16, 2016: Suhyun joined us for his undergrad research.
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Oct. 17, 2015: Hohjai’s 3D magnetic field image paper came out!
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Oct. 1, 2015: Junguk and Hyeongyeol joined the group for their undergrad internship. Welcome and hope that you can taste how researches going on in our group!
Photonic Quantum Chemistry Lab. |
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Oct. 1, 2015: Dr. Ranjit De joined our group. He worked on synthesis and characterization of polyelectrolytes during his doctoral research. Welcome, Ranjit!
Photonic Quantum Chemistry Lab. |
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May 13, 2015: Hohjai and Prof. KT Lee’s paper came out on PCCP! They identified the dominant photochemical pathway for the red emission of UCNP.
Photonic Quantum Chemistry Lab. |
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Sep. 1, 2014: Dongkyum joined us as a PhD student.
Photonic Quantum Chemistry Lab. |
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Mar. 25, 2014: Young Cheol and Ye Song joined the group for their master-degree program. The first graduate students for Hohjai’s Lab!!! Welcome, YC and YS!
Photonic Quantum Chemistry Lab. |
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2019-04-03 |